Stop Depression and Suicide during COVID by giving a HUG.

The HUG ME Comfort Wrap is a sensory device that simulates the physical touch and pressure of a hug for comfort.

Isolation Hurts Mentally and Physically

I had just moved to New Orleans to start over in life after losing everything I owned. Things got better when I got here but then COVID hit the world and all chances of making connections stopped. With no friends, family or support in the entire city, I found myself sitting in the house alone, crying every night. I was depressed. I was sad. I was even suicidal on some nights wondering if it was worth it to live. I needed a hug. I wanted someone to HUG ME.  I didn't feel like I was human anymore. 

I created the HUG ME Comfort Wrap because I desperately needed to be touched and it offered me relief. My anxiety slowly went away and I slept better at night. I want others to experience the same relief I got from the HUG ME Comfort Wrap. You deserve to feel human again.


During the Covid Pandemic we are forced to isolate from friends and family, causing suicide and depression rates to soar. Not having access to affection and comfort hurts us all. 

We will send real hugs to the ones we love to help them make it through the isolation of the COVID Pandemic. The HUG ME Comfort Wrap can be shipped nearly anywhere!


  • Weighted ends
  • Machine Washable
  • Soft
  • Flexible
  • Can be wrapped across the body or worn around the shoulders
  • Easy to sleep with

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