< Celebrate Alternative LOVE Day on March 14th With a Moratorium on Hate Crimes - Te-Erika

Celebrate Alternative LOVE Day on March 14th With a Moratorium on Hate Crimes

Celebrate Alternative LOVE Day (The All-Inclusive Valentine’s Day) on March 14th With a Moratorium on Hate Crimes

  • March 14this Alternative LOVE Day (The All-Inclusive Valentine’s Day)
  • A world-wide 14 Day Moratorium on hate crimes and discrimination against individuals who are involved in Alternative LOVE Relationships begins on March 15th.
  • On March 30th, attend the Alternative LOVE Conference, a free digital conference that features educational presentations, interviews and discussions by experts on Alternative LOVE and relationships.

On March 14th we celebrate Alternative LOVE Day (The All-Inclusive Valentine’s Day) with a 14 day moratorium on hate crimes and discrimination against people involved in Alternative LOVE relationships.

For 14 days we extend a worldwide call to demonstrate social acceptance for our friends and family involved in polyamory, Long Distance Love, Interracial Love, Trans Love, Gay and Lesbian Love, Cougar-Cub Relationships, Loving Female Led Relationships and all consensual love styles that have been ridiculed and restricted by our society.

On March 30th, at the conclusion of the hate crime and discrimination moratorium, the general public is invited to participate in the Alternative LOVE Conference, a one day digital conference that will educate the public on a variety of Alternative LOVE and relationships. Register for the FREE digital conference by visiting AlternativeLoveConference.Com.


Houston residents Mia 29, and Zahir, 22, a transwoman and transman who have been dating for 2 years are among a series of featured speakers scheduled to appear at the Alternative LOVE Conference on March 30th. The trans couple shared that the biggest discrimination they have experienced have come from their family members, some of whom still refuse to accept their love for each other.

“There is no reason for our society to be so restrictive of love,” shared Te-Erika Patterson, the creator of the Alternative LOVE Conference. “I believe educating the public about Alternative LOVE and relationships and exposing everyone to real people who love differently but purely, will relieve the mental anguish that many of these groups face due to social stigma.”

During the Alternative LOVE hate crime and discrimination moratorium, Patterson challenges everyone to take the time to recognize and celebrate their family, friends and loved ones who are involved in Alternative LOVE relationships and to correct any ignorant or hurtful comments expressed about Alternative Love and relationships.

The public is invited to share their photos, videos or stories celebrating their love to StoriesatAlternativeLOVEConferencedotCom to be posted on social media and celebrated at the Alternative LOVE Conference on March 30th.


The Alternative LOVE Conference is a one day digital conference that is free to the public. The 5 hour Alternative LOVE Conference offers interviews, presentations and a panel discussion beginning at 1pm Eastern and will end at 6pm Eastern.

Viewers may watch the live stream of the conference through a private platform and the conference will also be broadcast live on the Alternative Love Society Facebook page. The Alternative LOVE Conference is organized by Te-Erika Patterson, a Mental Health and Personal Success Teacher in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Visit AlternativeLOVEConference.Com to register for updates about the conference.


Te-Erika Patterson


1 thought on “Celebrate Alternative LOVE Day on March 14th With a Moratorium on Hate Crimes”

  1. Love is meant to empower never suppress, it should set us free not bind or restrict us in its name. I think this idea is absolutely beautiful and a fitting gesture and commitment to love.

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